Blog Archives

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Chicago part three

Today was a great day
but a busy day.

I left the hotel room around ten AM
and arrived back around 8 PM.

I have just about walked
my little suburban feet off
and have developed my
first corn. Ow!

Thanks to everyone
who was hoping for Wicked tickets for me.
I didn't get the ticket for the first few rows
but close.

For $25 I got 6 rows back,
orchestra level.
Downside- it was to the far left.
As in like, the leftmost seat.
However, I knew that very little
in this musical takes place from
the corners or far back of the stage
so it was quite a deal.

Having seen Wicked on tour in Baltimore
and now having seen Wicked in Chicago,
I will say that the Baltimore performance was better.
The show today used both the understudies
for the lead roles, so I'm sure that was part of it.

I was happy to get Kate both a
program and a t-shirt that says
"Defy Gravity" which I hope she will love.

I still need to pick something up
for the boys.
I walked down the Navy Pier yesterday
to get them those rockets
but then I got to thinking about
airport security and the likelihood
that they would let me board the aircraft
with rockets in my hand.

I'll let you guess what I decided.

Couple of funny nuggets for you:

When it rains,
and you left your umbrella at the hotel
and you still have blocks and blocks left to walk,
you will stoop to the lowest levels of degradation.
For me:
I walked around with a tourist brochure
of Chicago on my head.

I have no sense of direction.
I have gotten lost and turned around
more times than anyone could imagine.
Often, I am within a block of my destination
but have no clue of this
and go marching off in the wrong direction.

Tomorrow I will have a pretty low key morning
much needed.
I need to nurse my corn. lol
and then I will be on my way home!


Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Well, it sounds like you have had quite the adventure, Miss Leeann!! I'm happy you got to see Wicked. Sorry it wasn't better. And I tried to board my flight from Arizona with a bow and arrow that Daniel had gotten. Uh, no. Now mind you, the arrow was made of Nerf and the bow was just a piece of plastic tubing bent, but no way was TSA gonna let me on that flight. I might have gone all Robin Hood or something!
Glad you had a good time!

Heather said...

Sounds like you are having a great time and not missing a thing! We got some of those storms - you mush have been drenched with just a map. It poured here in Michigan. Looking forward to pictures.


Anonymous said...

Love the bit about no sense of direction....must run in the family..Good thing we all have decent memories for landmarks. I can just see you with that Chicago map over your head!
And lastly, glad you got to Wicked, again! Now I want to see it!!