Blog Archives

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday Already?

I can't believe it is Wednesday already!

The time here is fantastically slow
but somehow speeding by.

We are having a wonderful time here at OBX.
The kids are all getting along beautifully,
the adults are spending time together and apart
and the weather has been perfect.

Here's a short-ish slideshow of our first day
here at OBX.


Cindi said...

I'm glad you're having so much fun! Unfortunately when I clicked on the video, it said it was no longer available.

Enjoy your last few days/weeks before school starts!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I saw some Pretty, Pretty Princess stuff...I wanna play! (The video worked fine for me). And the sand looks beautiful. Do you have room for 1 more?

Cindi said...

I came back to see if the video worked, and it did! Wow, you're creating wonderful memories there! Looks like everyone is having a great time!

dkuroiwa said...

Oh Leeann...that was so nice!! The pictures all turned out so wonderful and put to the music...almost brought a tear to my eye!!
Yeah...the kids pictures are all wonderful and precious...but...I think my favorite was the one of your husband (maybe) and his brother(?)!! That....was a great shot!!!