which means the three dependent children
(and the one dependent husband)
wish to be fed.
Damn them!
I feel fairly unmotivated
and even less like spending money
so I went to check out the freezer.
The good news is,
based on the freezer contents,
I shouldn't be spending much at the grocery store this week.
The menu is:
Monday: Herb Marinated London Broil
(held over from last week)
mashed potatoes
asparagus (sale Safeway 2.99/lb)
egg noodles (for the gravy)
Wednesday: Chicken cheese casserole
( I have now used up all my frozen chicken on these two recipes)
green beans
Thursday: Tacos (soft and hard shell for kids, salad for me)
Friday: Leftovers
Rob will be out of town most of the week
so there should be plenty left for Friday and this weekend.
Make it a great week!
YUMMY! I think I might borrow an idea or two. So sad, but I could exist on egg noodles with a touch of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. I LOVE asparagus, but nobody else in my family is fond of it, so I don't get it often. Yum, yum, yum!
I say give 'em cereal or melted cheese sandwiches. Or make one night Kids Restaurant Night. Kate is the chef, Trey is the host (or maitre d'), and Chris is the waiter. You decide whether you or they clean.
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