Dear Trey,
This week you turned six.
Six is a big boy age...
old enough to go to kindergarten,
which is now full day.
You are the family baby,
a role that you hold dear to your heart.
Since the beginning, you have made your
presence and your will known
throughout our home.
You are our "more" child-
more temperamental,
more wiggly (this confirmed by your kindergarten teacher on your progress report...Oy!)
more possessive of your family.
Much to the consternation of your grandparents,
you were very aloof with them the first few years of your life.
You wanted your mommy, then your daddy,
then Kate and Chris, in that order.
You now idolize Chris.
There is no one in the whole world that you would rather be with
or hold in higher esteem.
Both of you are lost without the other.
You remind me more of myself than either of the other kids do.
You are stubborn and fierce.
You would rather die than apologize straight on,
but given the slightest way to save face, you will gratefully take it.
You don't like to show your emotions blatantly
and one of your first sentences was "Don't laugh at me!"
You are a first class corner-cutter, just like your mom.
If you are interested in something, you will do it
and do it wholeheartedly.
Otherwise, you are just "eh" about it.
You are self motivated or not motivated at all.
And if you don't want to do something
or if you feel at all pressured,
you will dig those little heels in
for all you are worth,
protesting angrily,
tearing up and being angry at yourself
for crying.
My dear child,
you love fully and deeply.
You are our precious baby
much loved.
Happy sixth birthday, my Trey.
Oh, this is a great post, Leeann. I love how you so thoroughly described Trey. I feel as if I really know him now, ya know? And I love the pictures - they are all so cute. What a sweetie!!
Trey, Happy Birthday - you sound like a man after my own heart. Leeann, what a great post for him - I hope you print it and give it to him when he is 21.
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