Busy week this week,
as the last week before Christmas usually is.
Chris has his band concert on Monday night
and Kate has her Chorus Concert on Tuesday night.
Add in two basketball practices
and one school Sing-Along
and we will definitely be on the run!
Here's our plan for this week:
Monday- Chicken and cheese quesadillas (using leftover chicken from last week), saffron rice.
Tuesday- Breakfast supper - waffles, yogurt, fruit.
Wednesday- Oven meatballs, roasted potatoes, asparagus or green beans.
Thursday- Fast ham and noodles, peas, fruit.
Friday- leftovers, or meatball subs with leftover meatballs.
Saturday- Shut up. I fed you all week.
Thanks to Laura at Orgjunkie.com for hosting Menu Plan Monday!
Saturday gave me a laugh! LOL! Have a good week! :)
My Menu Plan is up too! :)
Sounds like a great, workable plan for a busy week!
~Happy Holidays :)
Everything looks wonderful, great menu :)
Mine is up too :)
Too funny! I'm planning on making chicken quesadillas tonight, too. Adding rice sounds like a good idea. Maybe I'll throw some stuff into our rice from last night. Thanks!
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