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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

It's the last week before the first day of school--
the summer has just flown by!
Next thing we know it will be Halloween,
Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That's the way it always feels to me once school starts up again.
It doesn't help matters that I went to two stores this weekend
and there were Christmas decorations out already!

It is Freaking AUGUST, people!!

The consumerism and advertising for Christmas
really has gotten so far out of hand.
We don't need a half year of Christmas shoved down our throats,
do we?

Anyway, sorry for the rant....
if you feel this way too, let me know I'm not the only one enraged!


Monday: Bacon cheddar burgers, tater tots, mixed veggies
Tuesday:  Glazed salmon, greek green beans, fresh fruit
Wednesday or Thursday (these two days are interchangeable based on schedule):
Pizza and Movie night
"No Peek" beef , egg noodles, broccoli
Friday:  artichoke pasta, peas, jello with fruit
Saturday: sausage and cheddar quiche, muffins or coffee cake, fresh fruit
Sunday: Rotini with homemade sauce, applesauce

For more menu ideas, please check out Laura's Website at!


Sharon said...

Great menu! I love movie night. :)

Oh, and btw, I share your feelings about the Christmas decorations. That's ridiculous!

Gina said...

Christmas already? Ick. I haven't seen that yet thank goodness.

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Hey, now! Some of us might appreciate seeing the signs of Christmas, even in August. Ibrahim and I were just discussing last night that we need to buy lights for our Christmas decorating during Ramadan next month. :::sigh::: I can't wait for my visit home in the fall...

Oh, and the No-Peek beef sounds interesting. What's in it?

Anonymous said...

What the heck, they're a month BEHIND...seriously, when I worked for a dept. store in college, we had the "trim a home" (note: no religious reference) dept. and we started receiving shipments in JULY!!!!!

Cindi said...

You are definitely NOT the only one who is upset by this. I want to enjoy each season as it comes upon us. It's still SUMMER, and even though I started school today, I'm still enjoying the SUMMER!! And then I'll enjoy fall...and football season.

Lanny said...

Yum, yum, YUM! Your dinners always sound so great!